Why can I only see 10 or 20 students at a time under Grades > Enter Grades?

Why can I only see 10 or 20 students at a time under Grades > Enter Grades?

In order to run more smoothly, Talon is imposing a limit of how many cells are loading onto the page at one time. If you have lots of columns (grade items), then Talon reduces the number of rows (students) displayed. There are a few work arounds if this is causing you disruption.

Collapse Categories

When you are in Standard View on the Enter Grades page, you can click the minus icon next to the category title to collapse a category. Collapsing a category hides all of the individual grade items in that category, lowering the total number of columns. If you have one or two categories with items you don't need to see all the time, this can increase the page count. Note, this only works in Standard View and not in Spreadsheet view. 
collapse category button

Hide Grade Items

You can hide individual grade items or entire categories if you don't need to see them. Hiding columns on the Enter Grades page does not hide them from students. You can find the Hide options under the More Actions button on the Enter Grades page. Hiding items works on both Standard and Spreadsheet views. 

Request an Increase

You can request the default limit be increased for your course. This must be done on a course by course basis and does not copy forward into future terms. Increasing the limit too much will cause performance (load time) issues. To request an increase submit a ticket here in the Knowledge Nest. 

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