What are all the common software and services used at Kirkwood?

What are all the common software and services used at Kirkwood?

Here is a list alphabetically arranged.

Abobe Software

  1. Acrobat Pro - PDF creation and editing
  2. Premiere Pro* - Video editing
  3. Photoshop* - Image editing
*These can be heavy programs, make sure your pc meets the technical specs. Request via the Service Desk (x1264)


Connect your computer to most classroom projectors across campus. Should come installed on Kirkwood computers. Contact the Service Desk (x1264) for help and support.


Accessibility checking and alternative format generator. Integrated in Talon. Enabled for all courses.

Blue (Explorance)

Course Survey online software. Access blue via the Hub or from the Talon homepage.


Online scheduling software. Useful for booking meeting times. Use your first.lastname@kirkwood.edu to create an account on Calendly.com

CourseLeaf Syl

Online syllabus creation. Access CourseLeaf via the Hub.

D1D (Day One Digital)

Not really a tool, but a course material concept. D1D courses adopt a digital etext and potentially other publisher resources and access is automatically provided to students on day 1 of their course. They can opt out, but otherwise are charged for access instead of needing to purchase a book at the bookstore.


This is a web-based application that is used for several tasks. EagleNet can be used to enter attendance, to enter midterm grades, and to enter final grades. Other links available through EagleNet allow you to view your assigned courses, the student rosters for your courses, and so on. The web address to directly access EagleNet is: https://eaglenet.kirkwood.edu (Note that EagleNet is gradually being phased out and replaced with a newer product)


Piloting 2022FA. Online software to manage and collect college and program assessment data.


Secure exam software used in Nursing courses. Nursing department manages access.


Online remote proctoring. Students must pay for this service if they need it. Available in Talon under the Student Tools menu. Faculty must enable Honorlock on all proctored exams in online courses.

The Hub

The Hub is a web-based repository for all things Kirkwood. The Hub provides access to a variety of applications. It also allows for members of the Kirkwood community to manage accounts, Kirkwood-related finances, scheduling, grades, events, and so on. The Hub is gradually being integrated as the replacement for EagleNet and continues to be improved and expanded. MyHub can be accessed from the Kirkwood website. The web address to access MyHub directly is: https://hub.kirkwood.edu.

Microsoft Office Suite – Excel, Outlook, Powerpoint, Word

Kirkwood uses the tools included in the Microsoft Office Suite. Excel, Outlook, PowerPoint, and Word are the typical programs available to all administration, faculty, and staff. Other Microsoft products are available depending on your needs (or the needs of your program). Note that all Kirkwood students have access to an Office 365 account and have access to Excel, PowerPoint, and Word for completing coursework.


Professional Development registration and HR compliance courses. Link available in the Hub.


Open education resources. Not really one tool, but a concept of using online open materials in place of or in addition to traditional textbooks. Several sites available. More information on the library libguide.


Video capture, light editing, and interactive delivery at Kirkwood. Integrated in Talon. Review the Talon User Guide resources on Panopto to get started.


Create your own open education resources for your courses. Access via the library libguide.


Test center online scheduling software. Link available in Talon under the Student Tools menu.


Class texting online software. Access via Remind.com and use your first.lastname@kirkwood.edu as your login.


  1. 4.0 is a test creation/editing software for Windows. Also useful for creating print versions of Talon quizzes. Request via the Service Desk (x1264).
  2. Lockdown Browser is a student software for taking quizzes via a custom browser that limits students’ access to other programs and screens during the test.


Online Learning Management System. Link available in the Hub. Suite of tools to create and organize content and activities for students, record grades, and communicate.


Talon Course Management for Faculty. A Kirkwood website where instructors can request development (sandbox) Talon courses, edit course open and close dates, manage archived courses and more. Link in the Hub.


Originality checking software. Integrated with the Assignment tool in Talon.


Synchronous online meetings. Also useful for simple video capture and screen recordings. Integrated with Talon for course-based meetings. Also available at Zoom.us (sign in with your Kirkwood email).

Zoho Desk

AISD is piloting this program, where you are now, to organize common questions and help everyone at Kirkwood locate the resources they need fast. Let us know if you have ideas for articles.

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