How can I link text in an Announcement, Description or Pages in Talon?

How can I link text in an Announcement, Description or Pages in Talon?

To add a hyperlink to text in various areas of your course (such as Announcements, Assignment, or Discussion Board descriptions), follow these steps:

  1. In the HTML Editor, enter and highlight the text to be linked.

  2. Select the “Link” icon in on of two ways as it shows in the screenshot below.

highlighted text in HTML editor

  1. When you select the Link icon in the toolbar, a new dialog box will open. Scroll down and select "Link" again.

Insert Quicklink menu with Link option selected
  1. In the pop-up window paste the link in the URL field. If pasting the URL, make sure that "http://" does not appear twice at the start of the URL. Note: Make sure the “New Window” box is checked.

    Pop-up window showing the Link URL and open in new window selected

  2. Select “Apply”.

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