How can I learn to use Talon as an instructor?
Option 1: Talon Instructor Training Course
The Talon Instructor Training course covers the fundamentals of Talon: creating and uploading content, setting up a homepage, collecting and grading assignments and assessment. It is a self-paced and self-guided resource built in Talon as a Talon course. This also gives you a model of what your course might look like. Option 2: Talon Instructor Resource Guide
Talon: A User's Resource Guide outlines nearly every tool and option in Talon. If you want to dig deeper or focus on a specific tool in Talon, this online book is organized much like the Talon > Course Admin area is organized. Explore the resource when you have questions about a specific tool.
Option 3: Attend a NeoEd Training
There are regular Talon trainings scheduled throughout the term. Access NeoEd through
the Hub and search for Talon in the Training Catalog.
Option 4: Meet with an Instructional Designer
If you have some quick questions, schedule a 15 minute
quick support session. Often useful to get you pointed in the right direction, or explain options for accomplishing a specific goal. If you need more of a comprehensive intro, reach out to and we will get you connected for a longer session.
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