How can I copy content from another course?

How can I copy content from another course?

Copy All Components or Copy Select Components

      1. Open your new course (the course should be empty of content) and follow Course Admin > Import / Export / Copy Components
      2. Select "Copy Components from Another Course/Org Unit" (the default) and click Search for offering
      3. In the Select Course Offering to Copy From pop-up, enter the name of the class to copy or enter the four digit year and two character term (e.g. 2021SP) for the semester
      4. Click the Search button to call up all the sections falling within the filter parameters
      5. Select the course you want to copy; click the Add Selected button
      6. Choose whether to Copy All Components (recommended) or Select Components; if you copy all course components, wait for the copy to finish
      7. If you choose Select Components a list of all course items will appear = > select which items to copy.  NOTE - this can be tricky because tool items (e.g. quizzes, assignments, etc.) need to be selected along with their course content items; for this reason, copying all components is recommended
      8. Click the Continue button and wait for the copy to finish
  • VIDEO HIGHLIGHT: Copying a Course in Talon