How can I copy content from another course?
Copy All Components or Copy Select Components
- Open your new course (the course should be empty of content) and follow Course Admin > Import / Export / Copy Components
- Select "Copy Components from Another Course/Org Unit" (the default) and click Search for offering
- In the Select Course Offering to Copy From pop-up, enter the name of the class to copy or enter the four digit year and two character term (e.g. 2021SP) for the semester
- Click the Search button to call up all the sections falling within the filter parameters
- Select the course you want to copy; click the Add Selected button
- Choose whether to Copy All Components (recommended) or Select Components; if you copy all course components, wait for the copy to finish
- If you choose Select Components a list of all course items will appear = > select which items to copy. NOTE - this can be tricky because tool items (e.g. quizzes, assignments, etc.) need to be selected along with their course content items; for this reason, copying all components is recommended
- Click the Continue button and wait for the copy to finish
- VIDEO HIGHLIGHT: Copying a Course in Talon